Expertises connexes

The circumstances of life are such that many couples eventually separate or divorce. Going through a breakup is often difficult both psychologically and emotionally. In these circumstances, important decisions such as child custody, access rights, spousal or child support and division of property are that much more difficult to make.

Before making decisions too hastily based on emotion, which may have regrettable consequences, consult us first. We will help you put things into perspective and make thoughtful decisions while informing you of your rights and your obligations.

We will evaluate the possibility of reaching an amicable settlement for your separation or divorce, which may be faster and less costly. If such an agreement cannot be reached, we will work with you to develop the best strategy to obtain what is rightfully yours.

Without being limited to separation and child custody matters, our family law team is in a position of informing you and representing you in a host of situations that you may one day find yourself in:

  • Drafting of prenuptial and cohabitation agreements
  • Divorce proceedings
  • Joint or amicable divorces
  • Annulment of a marriage or civil union
  • Legal separation proceedings
  • Disputes between common-law spouses
  • Child custody and access rights
  • Partition of property or the family patrimony
  • Establishment, cancellation or modification of support
  • Filiation, paternity disputes and loss of parental authority
  • Institution of protective supervision
  • Authorizations of travel
  • Displacement of children
  • Name changes
  • Adoptions
  • Civil unions
  • Access rights for the grandparents