Marco Morin, LL.B.


Mr. Morin graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Université de Sherbrooke in 1987 and has been a member of the Quebec Bar Association since April 1988.

He also completed training at the ICRC in San Remo, Italy, in the field of international humanitarian law. Having attended the Canadian Army Command and Staff College, he served as a Lieutenant-Colonel and was part of the Judge Advocate General’s office for two decades.

As a multidisciplinary lawyer, Mr. Morin has been practicing private law since 2006 and continually updates his legal knowledge by taking university courses in law.

Mr. Morin has argued cases before most courts in the province of Quebec, in civil, commercial, criminal, and penal matters.

In addition to his extensive experience in Quebec, he has also had the opportunity to plead before Canadian courts and courts in other provinces. For example, he has represented clients before the Federal Court, the Court Martial, and the Superior Court of Ontario.

A skilled negotiator, he is also an accredited mediator in civil matters and proficient in negotiating collective agreements.

In Mr. Morin, you will find a lawyer who listens attentively and seeks to assert the rights and interests of his clients.