Audrey Cliche, LL.L.


After successfully completing her studies as a legal technician, Me Audrey Cliche continued her course at the University of Ottawa to obtain her bachelor’s degree in law before becoming a member of the Bar of Québec in 2020.

During her academic course as well as in her career, Me Cliche has accumulated various experiences allowing her to familiarize herself with various areas of law, as civil law, municipal law, criminal and penal law, family law as well as occupational health and safety law. Her course has led her to work in private practice and within the public service. Moreover, during her university studies, Me Cliche has worked within Reasearch Chair.

Before joining the Bernier Fournier team, Me Cliche worked in the municipal world as a clerk, an intern and as a municipal court attorney. She also participated in the creation of an intermunicipal board.

These various experiences have also enabled her to act in both prosecutor and defense. Over the years, Me Cliche has developed a skill in the preparation of her clients’ files and in anticipating the strategy of the opposing party.

Me Cliche offers a humane approach of the law to her clients as well as a respectful treatment of their files.

She now directs her practice in civil, medical and professionnal liability and in civil law.

She currently represents clients in medical and hospital liability and personnal injury lawsuits.

She also takes cases in penal law and municipal law.