Expertises connexes

The insurance industry is very complex and it is easy for a layperson to get lost when reading these lengthy contracts. However, when a problem arises, it is imperative to be able to understand them. The Bernier Fournier team is familiar with the vocabulary and form of insurance contracts and can help you make sense of them, whether they are your public or private insurers. In order to do this, we have set up a team specializing in indemnification. We can advise and represent you in disputes concerning all types of insurance, including, among others:

  • Car insurance
  • Life insurance, health insurance and disability insurance
  • Home Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Civil and professional liability insurance
  • SAAQ, Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec
  • CSST, Commission de la santé et la sécurité au travail
  • RRQ, Régie des rentes du Québec
  • IVAC, Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminel

For more information, visit our dedicated website BF-Indemnisation.